
Publish at September 28 2021 Updated October 29 2021

Making Schools the Beating Heart of Europe

Teacher Mobility and School Twinning: A Challenge for the Transformation of the Education System

"A member of the European Parliament, Ilana Cicurel, is a member of the French Renaissance delegation and the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament. As part of her mandate in the European Parliament, she is an active voice who uses education in the fight against the inequalities surrounding fate, through lifelong education for all. The valorization of the "teacher figure", creation of a European statute of the apprentice to develop the use of Erasmus+ for the benefit of alternating students, inclusion, recognition of civic commitment in university and training courses, promotion of mentoring, fight against misinformation as well as the fight against racism and anti-Semitism are at the heart of her action in the European Parliament."

The budget for the Erasmus+ program which almost doubled for the 2021-2027 period and the project of a European Education Area which is a priority of the European Union, reveals that this report is a call to :

"In concrete terms, a question of preparing our teaching staff and particularly our future teachers to take full control of this educational turn in Europe and to be actors in it for the benefit of all pupils, especially those who are furthest away from it."

The report details the positive effects of a mobility experience, but above all the objectives:

  • Objective Europe 1: A European foundation shared by a generation of new teachers
  • Objective Europe 2: 100% of schools on European time: twinning for all
  • Objective Europe 3: Schools put Europe at the heart of the village
  • Objective Europe 4: Multilingualism and reciprocity

1/ Train Future Teachers in European Mobility from 2022.

European mobility for future teachers is currently marginal and little identified. The introduction to the diversity of European education systems is too limited to allow for a real enrichment of teaching practices in the classroom. The mission recommends creating a SOPA Europe (observation and accompanied practice internship) in the form of 2-week hybrid mobility, with 7 to 10 days of immersion in a European school, coupled with an introduction to distance exchange platforms and digital discovery of the best pedagogical practices via a Europe Module.

2/ Implement "Twinning for All".

Today, 48% of middle and high schools are twinned with a European counterpart. To ensure that by 2022 all French primary and secondary schools have a twinning arrangement with a school in one of the European Union's the Member States, the mission recommends intensifying the use of the eTwinning platform and doubling the number of schools with the Euroscol label. A targeted territorial support strategy is needed. The Erasmus Days in October 2021 will be an opportunity to organize a giant European speed dating.

3/ Anchor European Mobility in the Territories as Close as Possible to the Citizens.

The schools and establishments furthest from Europe, whether in rural areas and/or priority neighborhoods, are often left on the sidelines of partnerships. The mission recommends that schools should take advantage of twinning arrangements between local authorities to irrigate school twinnings and thus become the beating heart of Europe. By breaking the isolation of small rural schools and by targeting as a priority school in REP and vocational high schools, the public most distant from Europe will be reached thanks to the educational continuity between schools in a geographical area brought together around a European project.

4/ Ensure Reciprocity of Exchanges.

The reciprocity of European exchanges is the sine qua non-condition for the construction of a common area, which presupposes more active and better anticipated incoming mobility. The mission recommends developing a host culture within our schools and setting up a European language teaching unit in each "Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (Inspé)" to make reciprocity attractive.

The mission insists on the chain effects of European mobility experiences: they lay the ferments necessary to resolve the issues of reducing inequalities surrounding fate, calming the school climate, and developing the collaborative model. They also contribute to the revaluation of the teaching profession.


"Mobilité des professeurs et jumelages des établissements scolaires : un enjeu de transformation du système éducatif français."

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