
Publish at March 31 2019 Updated October 18 2023

Directory of open courses and Moocs - To learn for free, here are some courses!

Free Moocs: over 100 sites, thousands of "free knowledge" courses

Photo by The New School on / CC BY-NC-ND

Many open courses are offered by large institutions, but now the movement is also extending to government and private initiatives aimed at professionals and those wishing to become professionals. The range of courses extends to all fields, both technical and human sciences, and at all levels, from initiation to doctorate or its equivalent. Most of the time, the teaching quality is top-notch.

We have included in this directory courses from Khan Academy, now available in several languages including French, Code Academy, Ted Ed, Néomédia, other independent institutions and no doubt others in the future. In practice, we do not separate Moocs from "open courses".

Open courses don't often lead to recognized certification, but coupled with an independent badge system, such as Open badges, independent, community or social certification is beginning to appear, and studies can be recognized in several professional fields. P2PU and BadgeOS for WordPress are just two examples!

Distance learning is clearly becoming an alternative to face-to-face training; ideally, the two complement each other.

Free courses

Open course platforms in French, e-learning, distance learning

Thematic digital universities

  1. Aunege - Association of universities in economics and management
  2. Unisciel - Université des Sciences en Ligne
  3. UNESS - Digital University of Health and Sport
  4. UOH - Open Humanities University
  5. UVED - Environment & Sustainable Development Virtual University
  6. UNIT - Digital University of Engineering and Technology
  7. Unjf - Université numérique juridique francophone
  8. IUT online

Open course platforms in other languages, sometimes including French

  1. Academica - OCW - Mexico
  2. African Virtual U - OCW
  3. Alison - Ireland
  4. Athabasca University - OCW - Canada
  5. BC Campus Open Ed - OCW - Canada
  6. BS Grupo - OCW - Peru
  7. Canvas
  8. Code Academy - USA
  9. Coursera - USA
  10. DataCamp - USA
  11. DSV - OCW - Stockholm University - Sweden
  12. Educba - India
  13. Edureka - India
  14. Edx - USA
  15. EMU - OCW - Eastern Mediteranean University - Turkey
  16. Federica - Italy
  17. FGV Online - OCW - Fundação Getulio Vargas - Brazil
  18. Future Learn - UK
  19. Greek Academic Network - OCW - Greece
  20. GreyCampus Codelabs - USA
  21. Guru99 - USA
  22. IntelliPaat - India
  23. ITLA - OCW - Instituto Tecnólogico de las Américas - Dominican Republic
  24. IUI - OCW - Farabi Institute of Higher Education - Iran
  25. Iversity - Germany
  26. Jigsaw Academy - India
  27. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - OCW - USA
  28. Kadenze - USA
  29. Khan Academy - USA
  30. Korean Open Courseware - OCW - South Korea
  31. Lynda - LinkedIn - USA
  32. Metropolia - OCW - Finland
  33. METU Open Courseware - OCW - Middle East Technical University - Turkey
  34. Miriadax - Spain
  35. MIT - OCW -Massachusetts Intitute of Technology - USA
  36. Moocs Factory - Switzerland - EPFL
  37. Moscow Architectural Institute - OCW - Russia
  38. Notre-Dame University - OCW - USA
  39. OOPS - OCW - Taiwan
  40. Open Eau-Claire - OCW - University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire - USA
  41. OpenLearn - Open University - England
  42. Open Learning Initiative (OLI) - Carnegie Mellon University - USA
  43. Open Michigan - OCW - University of Michigan - USA
  44. Open Universitate - OCW - Netherlands
  45. Open Universities Australia - Australia
  46. Open University of Israel - OCW - Israel
  47. OpenUpEd - European Moocs
  48. P2PU - OCW - Peer to peer University - England
  49. Pontificia Universidad Católica - OCW - Chile
  50. - OCW - USA
  51. SimpliLearn - USA
  52. SkillShare - USA
  53. Stanford Open Classroom - OCW - USA
  54. Ted Ed - USA
  55. TOCWC - OCW - Taiwan OpenCourseWare Consortium - Taiwan
  56. TU Delft - OCW - Delft University of Technology - Netherlands
  57. Tutellus - Spain
  58. UCIrvine - OCW - University of California - USA
  59. Udacity - USA
  60. Udemy - USA
  61. UMass Boston - OCW - USA
  62. UNED - OCW - Universidad Estatal a Distancia - Costarica
  63. UniMooc - Spain
  64. OpenLearn create - OCW - Brazil
  65. Pluralsight - United States
  66. Universidad de Sevilla - OCW - Costa Rica
  67. Universidad Icesi - OCW - Colombia
  68. Universidad national de Colombia - Colombia
  69. Universidad national de Cordoba - Argentina
  70. Universidad Politécnica Madrid - OCW - Spain
  71. Universitas Indonesia - OCW - Indonesia
  72. Universitas Terbuka - OCW - Indonesian Open University - Indonesia
  73. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - OCW - Spain
  74. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - OCW - Malaysia
  75. University of Southern Queensland - OCW - Australia
  76. University of Sumatera Utara - OCW - Indonesia
  77. U-Now - OCW - University of Nottingham - England
  78. Utah State OpenCourseWare - OCW - USA
  79. Virchow-Villermé - Germany
  80. Virtual university of Pakistan - OCW - Pakistan
  81. XuetangX - China

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Photo by The New School on / CC BY-NC-ND

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